
Advancing Women To Higher Levels Of Leadership

Monday, April 4, 2011

Introduction to Powerful Communication™

Do you communicate effectively?  
Do interactions with others get you the results you want?

The definition of communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior <the function of pheromones in insect communication>; also: exchange of information
Effectively communicating your career, personal, and everyday goals in a way that comes across clearly, persuasively, and thoughtfully is crucial; and yet, not everyone knows how. Communication isn’t innate, and many bright, talented, and dedicated people don't advance their career, all because they fail to adequately communicate their point.
Nonverbal communication is the single most powerful form of communication. More than voice or even words, nonverbal communication cues you in to what is on another person’s mind. The best communicators are sensitive to the power of the emotions and thoughts communicated nonverbally.
Our team of Board Certified and Certified Consultants will introduce you to the most innovative approaches to understanding and directing communication.  You will learn how to be heard and how to deliver messages that get results.
The team will show you how:
  • You use your senses to represent the World & to communicate
  • You can create instant connections & agreement with others
  • You can know what others are thinking by watching their eye movements
  • Your specific words and tones impact your communication
  • You can use your style of communication to your advantage
To understand communication differences between men and women
Please join us for an Introductory Powerful Communication™ workshop on April 21st or May 9th from 8:30-11:30am. To register: klake@integratingwomanleaders.com

To learn more about the complete two-day workshops on Powerful Communication™ please contact jholmes@integratingwomanleaders.com for details.

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